The Circle Way

Bringing Circle Practice into Your Business, Your Agency, Your Life.

Circle is a meeting format that has fostered respectful conversations among people for thousands of years. I host Circle gatherings to afford the opportunity for deep listening and intentional speaking based on the teachings of The Circle Way. 

I have been studying the Circle Way for over 20 years both as a participant and as a facilitator (although all who are present for a Circle ultimately contribute to the leadership and wisdom in a Circle). I design and facilitate both in-person and online Circles. 

The Circle Way is a flexible structured format that can be used in many ways including creating healthy team and community relationships, inviting stories, embracing diverse viewpoints, and cultivating creative solutions.

Business and Agency Strategic Planning

The Circle Way is used effectively in the business world, with teams, boards, stakeholder engagement and any group coming together to cast their vision. In many workplace situations, there is no effective way to hear all the voices present. Without setting an intention and implementing a practice to hear everyone, countless voices and valuable ideas will never be heard let alone implemented. I assist people in sculpting who they can be together.

“Who we are together is always different and more than who we are alone.” - Margaret Wheatley

Professional Development

I have created many Circles related to professional growth for therapists. These Circles have allowed learning for many therapists but more importantly, the Circles have allowed for connection with one another (many therapists feel painfully isolated) and reflection on how our work impacts us. What is the cost as well as the gain of sharing in the suffering of so many? I pioneered the Therapists as Parents (TAP) Circle to create a compassionate and shame-free zone for therapists facing struggles as parents. I have also amplified the wisdom in therapist consultation groups using Circle Way practices.

“By its simple shape, circle includes everyone without distinction, welcomes and invites all to participate, and creates equality among those gathered.” - Christina Baldwin

Personal Growth

Circles can be a source of personal growth. I have hosted Circles focused on self-care and wellness, building connection and friendship, and cultivating gratitude.

I have created multiyear Circle experiences including a Women’s Wisdom Council for women journeying through major life transitions. This Circle Wisdom Council was designed to create a space to support one another through both hard and joyous experiences in life while drawing on the lived experience, strength, and deep wisdom within each member. This group is entering its 3rd year. I think we all could benefit from a Wisdom Council to turn to once in a while!

“None of us can travel further by ourselves. Alone our hearts become stony and guarded. Alone, we become frightened. But in gatherings of neighbors, sitting with a candle in the middle and an attitude of openness to possibilities, we may become students of the circle.” 

From Calling the Circle by Christina Baldwin