I’m so glad you’re here.
I am all about attachment theory and how it translates to helping humans feel safe, loved, and connected. In attachment lingo, I provide a safe haven and a secure base for parents, children, and professionals to become the very best they can be for themselves and for each other.
I am a voracious reader. I love to learn. I am a workshop and training junkie! My superpower is being able to synthesize all that I read and learn and apply it to both my work and the work of others. One supervisee said to me “When I talk with you about a complex case your brain works like Dr. Shawn Murphy’s on The Good Doctor.” I consider that high praise! I’ve worked for over 30 years with children and families experiencing major mental health crisis situations. Even with all of this training and experience, I regularly seek out support and consultation. I have learned that it’s impossible to do the taxing work we all do long-term without support and guidance.
Let’s do this!
I aspire to support, nourish and help you develop professionally. I’ve been helping therapists learn and thrive for most of my career. Imposter syndrome can be overcome. When someone is there to hold you, as you hold families, feelings of inadequacy evaporate. I want you in this for the long haul and we simply aren’t built to live or work in isolation. I’m here to join you on your journey.

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